Jessica Patandeen
November 2023
Women's Unit
Orlando Health Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children/Winnie Palmer Hospital for Women and Babies
United States




Jessica actually ran downstairs to give me a hug as I was waiting for my husband to come around with the car. It truly felt like I came full circle, and I am so thankful she was a part of my journey.
I actually met Jessica on the postpartum unit in April 2022 when I miscarried my baby at 17 weeks. I was already dilated and having contractions and was sent up to the 10th floor upon admission and she was my nurse. She was very kind and empathetic to my situation of losing our baby. She gave us the privacy and time we needed with our son while continuously checking in on us to see if we needed anything.

Fast forward to May of 2023, when I found myself up on the postpartum unit on the 10th floor after my emergency c-section of my 32-weeker, and Jessica was my nurse! I immediately recognized her and reminded her that she had taken care of me during our loss the previous year. I was still dealing with some higher blood pressure after my delivery, and she was always patient and understanding and helped find ways to calm me down and help me manage my pain so my blood pressure wouldn’t spike.

On the day of my discharge, she had a training nurse with her who discharged me and actually ran downstairs to give me a hug as I was waiting for my husband to come around with the car. It truly felt like I came full circle, and I am so thankful she was a part of my journey. After being discharged, my son was in the NICU for 39 days, and there were a few instances where I ran into Jessica in the cafeteria, where she would always greet me with a smile and a hug. She truly cares for her patients and wants their best outcomes. Being on both sides of the postpartum unit and having Jessica help me heal was truly a blessing. Thank you, Jessica, and may you never forget the difference you have made in my life.