Jessica Siebold
September 2013
Perioperative Services
All Children's Hospital
St. Petersburg
United States




The reason I am writing to nominate Jessica is that recently during a full schedule in the ENT operating room one of our employees quietly left the building emptied her locker and went home, in the middle of the morning without any notice she left us. We still had 9 surgical cases to do. Jessica quickly became part of the plan. Both Jess and I stepped up to the plate immediately and we both split the work of the third person in the room. We switched from role to role all day. It was excellent teamwork to take care of our patients. It was four cases before the anesthesia team realized we were down a team member as the room was running like clockwork. Jessica stepped into a role that she is not always comfortable in and completed the day with a good attitude and a lot of effort. All of the patients did not know any difference. We took care of all of them and nobody was cancelled. Jessica asked a lot of questions and pushed herself to her limit with a big smile all day. It was a very stressful and unusual day but we coped as a team and got a lot of satisfaction out of a great day with the two of us working together.