Jessica Tanzola
March 2021
Kahn 4
Morristown Medical Center
United States




Jessica teared up as she told me how she held his hand and sang to him.
Jessica Tanzola is not only an amazing nurse because of her skills, but because of her heart. Jessica has been a nurse at MMC for years and is hard-working, smart, thinks quickly on her feet, and helps her coworkers. But Jessica’s heart is her shining feature. One weekend, Jessica worked back-to-back nights. She shared with me that she had a rough night on the COVID-19 unit. I assumed it was just because it was busy, but her eyes filled with tears as she explained how her patient died. She said the night when she first met him, he was more lucid and she checked on him frequently, but she knew he was dying. She kept in touch with the MDs throughout the night and coordinated with his concerned family. On her second night, she knew it was unlikely he would make the night. He was no longer lucid but that did not stop Jessica from still being for him.

That morning, she said his breathing changed, his pressure was dropping and so was his heart rate. Jessica teared up as she told me how she held his hand and sang to him as he took his last breath. She told me how she could not bear the thought of him dying alone. She told me how she couldn’t stop thinking of his family who couldn’t be with him because of COVID-19 restrictions. I think his family would feel blessed to know that she tenderly sang to him until he passed.