Jessica Toney
November 2020
Winchester Medical Center




Jessica intuitively understood what I needed.
All of my nurses during my 9-day stay in the hospital treated me well, but two of them were exceptional for different reasons. Jessica Toney is not only hardworking and attentive; she is empathetic and intuitive. She was organized and on time with all my medications and available whenever I needed help, but she was more than that.
Jessica knew how much I was struggling emotionally due to being stuck in my bed... in my room. This is a particularly difficult time for a long-term stay in the hospital due to COVID-19. I could not see anyone beyond the hospital staff starting the moment I entered the Emergency Room with acute appendicitis. The isolation alone was enough to create anxiety and depression. It was even worse for me because I am accustomed to spending so much of my time outdoors.
Jessica intuitively understood what I needed. She surprised me one day by allotting me a 15-minute slot to roll me to another level and out the doors to an otherwise abandoned balcony. We did not come into contact with any other patients or staff during our brief adventure, so we were entirely safe in the current COVID-19 environment. The few minutes we had outside absorbing some fresh hair and sunlight made all the difference for me emotionally, and I truly believe it boosted my physical recovery as well.
After my stay at Winchester Medical Center, I truly believe nurses are saints walking among us, and Jessica stands out among those saints.