Jessica Wilson
November 2023
Intensive Care Unit
Adventist Health and Rideout
United States




Jessica handles herself with poise and manages her time well.
Jessica is an extraordinary RN. Her commitment to safe patient care shines each day. Jessica is a relief charge nurse in the ICU and serves as a leader. On one particular shift when she was a bedside nurse, Jessica was caring for a patient who was on a vent and was required to go to IR for a procedure. This patient also required pressors. Jessica had a multitude of tasks to carry out on this patient along with the procedure.

The doctor came in and wanted to place an art-line. So, her tasks continued to grow. Jessica handles herself with poise and manages her time well. Jessica was to take another post-procedure patient who came back on a vent, pressors, and needed a CT scan. At this time as her charge, I needed to take a patient off her hands and assign them to a different RN. Jessica never complained. She was trying to manage both of her patients, but even the most experienced nurse would not be able to manage both of these patients safely. I admire her strength as a nurse and the care she has for her patients. I saw on her face the emotion she had for this patient who had suffered a stroke post-op. I know to her it sometimes is unbearable, to not be able to help prevent this. Jessica wears her heart on her sleeve. She has gained respect from her peers and physicians. She is a patient advocate each day she steps into the unit. I am honored to work with a special and amazing person.