Jhoan T De Luna
April 2022
Jhoan T
De Luna
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Womens Health Unit 1
Sultan Bin Abdulaziz Humanitarian City
Saudi Arabia




She felt safe and at ease whenever Jhoan was her nurse because her smile brought positivity to her.
I like to acknowledge Nurse Jhoan for doing her great job at all times and showing her compassion and dedication constantly. She is not just working hard for the sake of earning money but performing her task with a kind and pure heart. It is testified as well not only by her colleagues but most of her patients and families. She is well known to them for bringing positivity. Many patients verbalized they feel safe and at ease if their nurse is nurse Jhoan. Their burdens and suffering automatically disappeared whenever nurse Jhoan is taking care of them because of her smile and positive outlook on life.

During my rounds, one patient shared with me how nurse Jhoan changed her mindset on how to view life and how she touched her heart. As our conversation went along, she told me that she was a depressed person and difficult to deal with. No one believed in her and she always thought that everyone was judging her and treating her as a mentally ill person. As she continued to open up, she told me that there is only one nurse who made her feel good and well treated. Nurse Jhoan made her feel safe and not judged because of her condition. She felt safe and at ease whenever Jhoan was her nurse because her smile brought positivity to her.

In addition, she also mentioned that Jhoan has a big heart, even though she's giving her a hard time she still managed to smile and give her warm and loving care by attending to all her needs in the purest way. The patient also asked Nurse Jhoan one time if she never gets tired to work and accommodating the concern of her and other patients as well and Nurse Jhoan just responded that "I have to be positive for my patients for them to feel better". Hearing Jhoan's response, the patient started to change her mindset and views on life into a positive one because she felt that she was not alone and that there was someone who believed in her and took good care of her.

Another scenario that captures my attention about Nurse Jhoan is when one time the unit was very busy (she was an outgoing nurse) and one patient that she already handed over was toxic and under monitoring and observation. Nurse Jhoan never hesitated to stay with that patient and monitor her needs because her colleagues were still busy. She did not leave her patient until the day shift nurse could take over.

I can attest to the sincerity of Jhoan's care and how she works and gives dedication to the nursing profession to the utmost level. She has good ethics, receiving praise from her colleagues in other departments for her compassion, flexibility, and diligence. She is polite and honest. She is very proactive and engages in departmental activities and tasks. She is one of the KPI custodians and active Wound Care Link nurses. She works effectively and efficiently. She is truly an asset not only to the Department but also to the City.