Jill Perkins
February 2021
Wesley Healthcare
United States




What was something so simple for Jill, I will cherish forever.
Having a child in the NICU is by far one of the hardest things I have done as a parent, both physically as well as emotionally. To add to the difficulties, having my child in the NICU on my birthday made it even worse. All that day, I fought back tears wishing for nothing more than for my daughter to come home in the evening. I left to spend time with my other two children. All evening, I felt overwhelmingly sad and just wanted all of my babies with me. When I returned to the hospital for the night, I was immediately moved to tears by Jill’s kindness. While I was away, she put together a picture of my daughter with “Happy Birthday” written on it. She also gifted me with the most beautiful necklace with a bible scripture so fitting for what we are going through. Jill had no way of knowing how much my faith has been tested over the last month. However, the scripture on the necklace she gave me said, “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can move mountains”. Just a few days prior to my birthday, I got a call no mother wants to hear. My daughter had a major decline and had to be moved back to the NICU, as they were not sure she was going to make it. She ended up coding and they had to perform CPR on her. As I drove to the hospital that evening, I was mentally preparing myself to lose her. I immediately became angry and bitter towards God. I didn’t understand how he could let something like this happen. To say I lost all faith is an understatement. My amazing daughter quickly turned around and we were able to move back to the special care unit. Then we met Jill. I truly believe people cross paths for a reason. With Jill’s simple act of kindness, my faith was very much restored. Working in the medical field myself, I always try to go that extra step for my patients and their families. This was the first time I have ever had a medical professional who has gone so far above and beyond what’s expected for me. What was something so simple for Jill, I will cherish forever. I will wear the necklace for years to come and think of Jill’s kindness and compassion she showed for me and my daughter. Years to come, I can show my daughter both pieces and show her how loved she was by the nurses who cared for her. Jill truly exhibited what it means to go above and beyond for her patients. Not only did she take amazing care of my daughter, but she extended that care and compassion towards me. When I think back to our time in the NICU, I will think of Jill. She deserves all the praise and recognition that Wesley has to offer.