Jillian Scott
November 2018
Good Shepherd Penn Partners
United States




When I was having problems with my vent, she was the first to yell for help and give me air through the bag. I was so scared, but she looked me in the eyes and said, "I will not let anything happen to you." On another occasion, she bought me a Mother's Day gift and made me feel special. I wasn't even her patient that day.
Hardworking, takes on any task with no complaints. The true definition of a team player. Everyone loves working with her or around her.
She made me feel safe and happy. Every time I see her, I know I will have a good day. She makes me feel good about myself. Always motivates me to be my best. She treats me like family.
The first day I had Jillian as my nurse was one of the best days I had since I have been here. She advocated for me when the doctor questioned my pain. Today was awesome.