November 2016
Jo Ann
Kent State University, College of Nursing
United States




JoAnn has three nomination stories.  
1.  For two semesters we have had professors leave and find new jobs or retire. This professor, instead of giving up on us students, went out of her way to make sure we still got the education we required. She would fill in, in the classes those professors were supposed to teach, changing her schedule to teach us. She went above and beyond what I have seen any professor ever do.  She is a true gem. She also cares for her students deeply whether in class or out. Kent is lucky to have her!
2.  This professor is constantly working to make sure that we become excellent nurses. She is very available to all of us and will jump through hoops to help us succeed and understand content. After every exam, I sit down with her to review my exam. She will go through all of the questions I answered incorrectly and not just explain the answer to me but make me really think critically about why my answer was wrong and the actual answer was a better answer. Sometimes there is a line of students out her door so all of us have the opportunity to do just that. She demonstrates a passion for the nursing and is very experienced. I genuinely think she wants to see every student succeed not only in their classes but in their careers! She not only cares about us as students but also who we are as people. I personally have gone into her office to sit down and talk to her about significant events in my life that could've completely altered my career path, but she was able to help me continue towards my dream of taking care of others every day of my life as a nurse. I honestly could not think of a better person to receive this award with the amount of time she sacrifices to all of us, and yet continues to be a great educator and a great person!
3.  This professor is the best clinical instructor, teacher and nursing career coach at Kent State University. She has taken the time to help me realize my passion to be an advanced practice nurse. She let me pick her brain and helped me to realize what field of advanced practice I want to go into. She has advised me on how best to further my education. She goes above and beyond teaching as well. She has study sessions with our class every other week. She takes time out of her schedule to meet with us if we have problems understanding the information. Finally, she teaches in such a way, with anecdotes and personal stories, which really helps us retain information better.