Joel Capuyan
May 2022
Bakersfield Heart Hospital
United States




Joel spent the next several hours readjusting the patient about every 15 minutes engaging in conversation that helped calm the patient’s nerves.
From the time I spent with Joel Capuyan on the Critical Care Unit at the Bakersfield Heart Hospital, I firmly believe he deserves this nomination. He is truly a compassionate nurse with only his patients' best interests in mind. The patient was 8 hours postoperative and at approximately 0200 when their chronic back pain began to flare up. After assessing and administering the appropriate medications he recognized the patient was very anxious. He spent the next several hours readjusting the patient about every 15 minutes engaging in conversation that helped calm the patient’s nerves. Just before shift change, the patient called Joel into her room and thanked him for the superb care that was given stating that she, “Will never forget how kind he was to her.” I have never seen a nurse demonstrate such compassion and dedication to their patients. I hope more nurses can follow in his footsteps.