John Sward
October 2023
HVC 5-7
Yale New Haven Hospital
New Haven
United States




John Sward has been so impactful to my life and also my career and educational goals. He went above and beyond as a PSM to encourage and support staff continuing their education. I am forever grateful for his mentorship, advice, and overall how he went above and beyond with his support for my educational goals to this day.
I'm not sure if you remember me, but we met about 9-10 years ago when I finished up my RN residency at YNHH and periodically throughout the years. I wanted to reach out to you because I felt is so important to tell you my story so I can acknowledge people who have been so impactful with my education and career goals. My career first began with YNHH at the age of 15, when I was a part of a School to career program in one of our local New Haven high school. I was the youngest one in the class, and I had the opportunity to intern on a General Medicine Unit at YNHH with John Sward PSM of 9-7 at that time. That opportunity has forever changed my life for the better. During that time, I was able to see first-hand how the Hospital operated and the importance of support staff. John Sward advised me to continue on with my educational goals and if I wanted to return to YNHH once I completed school to reach out to him.

I became a Medical Assistant and sought out employment with YNHH, and John hired me as a PCA on his unit at the age of 19 in 2008. During my time under his management, he encouraged me to go to college. I learned so much working as a PCA with so much support from the nurses and staff. At that time I put myself through college one class at a time utilizing the tuition reimbursement that YNHH offered the staff and worked full time. With little support from my own family, as it was tough coming from a family of Laotian Immigrants where education was expected but there were no resources available, I was determined to be the first College graduate. As a first-generation college student, it was by far one of the toughest things I had to do. John Sward has been so impactful to my life and also my career and educational goals. He went above and beyond as a PSM to encourage and support staff continuing their education. I am forever grateful for his mentorship, advice, and overall how he went above and beyond with his support for my educational goals to this day.

It's because of leaders and management like him that can uplift individuals and advocate for their staff. He told me I could be something and I had great potential to be a great nurse. The way he managed his unit was amazing. He spoke life into his PCAs, never made us feel below anyone, told the RN staff that "one hand washes the other" and that "the same PCA that you delegate to can one day be working side by side with you as an RN" and it forever resonated with me. In 2015 I obtained my associate's in Nursing and became an RN. Began working on another Medicine unit, there I excelled in my skills as a new RN and grew to be the Charge nurse on my unit for the next few years and a seasoned resourceful RN to my unit. I have been recognized for many awards, the Above and Beyond Award, Preceptor Award etc. and let me tell you those little pieces of paper and awards meant the world to me. It not only validated me as a healthcare worker but also made me feel like I am succeeding in my goal of becoming a clinically more skilled RN who was looked upon as an informal leader. It made me appreciate everything that I learned and would be continuing to learn in the ever so changing healthcare field. Recognition for the hard work you provide on a daily and the safe quality care you provide, for nurses like me makes us so forever grateful that a little thank you goes a long way.

I continued my education, obtaining my BSN degree, I then decided to have more children and ended up leaving bedside nursing for a huge promotional role at Yale University in 2019. That was a great opportunity for myself and my career, there, I continued my education in hopes of becoming a certified Advanced Nurse Practitioner. I had some difficulties there as I was one of the lead RNs in my role, as I prepared to do clinicals, management there told me I was far too valuable to them as the Lead triage and Acute Care Nurse that they needed me there M-F to continue to fulfill that role and pretty much told me to put my education goals on the back burner. Here I am, good enough to train Yale University GEPN students, but I wasn't good enough to pursue my own educational goals of becoming an APRN myself. I felt defeated. I was unsure of myself for the first time ever in my career. I felt pushed to the corner, this "great organization that paid me well in salary with endless amounts of resources" and yet I did not feel supported by leadership.

I reached back out to John Sward for some guidance as I felt like maybe this wasn't for me, maybe I am not meant to continue to climb the career ladder or continue my education. He reassured me that giving up was never an option that I had ever taken. Respect is a key element of a healthy work environment. It fosters productivity and growth for the organization. He gave me words of encouragement to let me know that I am valued for my abilities, qualities, and achievements that I have made thus far. I left Yale University and returned back to bedside at YNHH 2022 for better hours for my clinical schedule so I could stay on track with my educational goals. I am now on SLA5, and I couldn't be any happier coming back HOME to YNHH. I worked nights, went to clinicals during the day, took care of my family and in the midst of all of that I received the Post Graduate DAISY Award from my University. I couldn't have been happier and more supported by management. They truly made it possible for me to work, complete, and excel in my educational goals. That is the leadership and management that I missed, needed, and has been completely impactful to my life, career, and educational goals.

HR has mentioned to me in the past that my success story makes me a "YNHH legend" from my work history. From a teenage intern student at the age of 15 hired in 2008 as a PCA, transitioning as an RN 2015, obtaining my BSN degree, leaving to YU, returning to YNHH, completing my Master’s Degree as a Family Nurse Practitioner, and now this present day possibly looking to transition as an APP here with YNHH. All of this could not have been possible if it weren't for John Sward with his mentorship, support, and guidance, and the current support of my current managers. I would like to fully recognize John and his extraordinary leadership. This organization should be so proud to have him as a part of leadership here within YNNH. My success story being one of them due to him. He by far deserves to be on the wall, a book of wow bucks, a paper award something. Managers don't get acknowledged or recognized enough for the hard work that they do in-house let alone the impact they can make on staff.

I felt so strongly about reaching out to you personally, I wanted you to know it's because of people like John that can foster staff members and their potential to help them reach their goals. I am forever grateful for YNNH for their leadership in management that I have been blessed to learn from and be supported by. This is truly a reason why others should want to work for us. Great organizations require great leaders, and the best organizations understand that cultivating leadership skills should be intentional that is John Sward for the 15 years that he has given me guidance and support, with my career, and now proud to say my two managers for the last year of their continued support. I am not sure if this email will reach you directly, but if it reaches your team, I hope that I can be an example for other young aspiring Nurses, that with hard work, effort, great leadership, and support, anything is possible. I would like to truly recognize John Sward for being a huge part of my educational success.