Jonathan Santos
September 2024
VISN Clinical Contact Center
VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System
Los Angeles
United States




As such incidents are often overlooked, I wanted to bring this event to light and highlight Ms. Santos's role in saving the man's life.
Mr. Santos is a critical care nurse at the VA Greater Los Angeles Medical Center and works at the VISN Call Center. He demonstrated all the VA's ICARE ([I]ntegrity, [C]ommitment, [A]dvocacy, [R]respect, and [E]xcellence) values to ensure the safety of our veterans.

When I came into work, I noticed that there was a gentleman sitting in his car; however, he did not appear to be moving. His tail lights were on, and I thought he might be trying to back out of the parking lot. As it was very dark, and I didn't want to frighten him, I went and reported what I had seen to the VA police and also shared my observations with Mr. Santos, who was sitting at the building entrance. Mr. Santos and another screener immediately came outside with me to see if the man was ok.

By this time, it was starting to be light outside. The police arrived and opened the car doors to check if the man was okay. Mr. Santos identified himself as one of the nurses and was given permission to assess the patient, but the patient was found to be unconscious but breathing. Mr. Santos directed me and the screener to get medical supplies (oxygen, vital signs machine, gurney), and he instructed the police officers to call an ambulance so the man would be taken to the ER. Mr. Santos remained with the man and rendered aid until the ambulance arrived. I was so impressed with Mr. Santos's willingness and bravery to go to the man to see if he needed help. This was a potentially dangerous scene, and there was no way what he might encounter.

Because of his genuine concern and willingness to help other people, the man in the car received the critical medical attention that he needed. We have since learned that the "unknown man in the car" is one of our employees and is also a veteran. I was really inspired to see such caring and dedication to doing "what is right" when called upon. As such incidents are often overlooked, I wanted to bring this event to light and highlight Ms. Santos's role in saving the man's life. Mr. Santos really did an outstanding job.