Jordyn Fillmore
July 2020
OCOM Hospital
Oklahoma City
United States




During our COVID "Break" Jordyn was asked to do a simple but tedious task by the leadership team. She did such an excellent job she was given another task to complete during her long 12 hour night shifts. She yet again delivered nothing short of excellence. Throughout our COVID break, she was given at least 5 more tasks. Tasks that aren't fun like cleaning out a PT room, stocking and reorganizing the ER, searching and documenting lost equipment, hospital-wide crash cart checks, and cleaning/reorganizing OCOM North. Each and every one of these tasks she preformed, she delivered 110%. These "simple" but "tedious" tasks are all things that make OCOM better as not only a hospital but a company. We are better and well prepared because of them. Each one of these tasks she completed with pride and enjoyment, always eager to explain and show the hard work she dedicated to OCOM. Jordyn is a ROCK STAR!
Jordyn always serves our patients with a professional and positive attitude. Since OCOM has increased our cases after our state shut down, Jordyn has been a willing hand and heart of both our North and South campuses. She displays Leadership Skills and is a wonderful co-worker- OCOM is blessed to have her on our team.