March 2019
University Medical Center of Southern Nevada
Las Vegas
United States




Well, to start I was having a horrible day. I was given very depressing news and was having an awful anxiety attack. It was past his time to end his shift after Josh clocked out, he came back to my room and sat with me and talked, and more importantly listened while I was in tears and showed me, a complete stranger, so much compassion and kindness and told me that things would get better. This young man touched my heart. In my 35 years have never had someone show me so much compassion.
Josh spent 45 minutes of his own personal time on a holiday. His work ethic is almost as amazing as his kind words and compassion. In my 3 stays at UMC, Josh is undoubtedly the hardest working and most kind-hearted person I've had the honor of meeting. As if that was not enough, Josh came back on his next shift and checked on me once again, reassuring me that it would be okay, and I would heal up and be back on my feet in no time and sent me his prayers. I feel that not even my words can explain how good that made me feel and I will always remember the kindness and compassion Josh showed me. Josh gave me faith in people again.