Josie Whisenhunt
July 2020
Labor & Delivery
Abilene Regional Medical Center
United States




Josie was on the clock when I came in with my water broken at 11:30 PM. I was due to be induced the next morning so she automatically admitted me. She greeted me with a smile and anticipation as if I was her only patient. She openly listened to my ideas and what I expected and let me know what she called "her part" in getting baby here. She never smirked or downgraded any of my big birthing ideas (this wasn't my first child nor her first delivery) and let me know how she could help and what "had" to be done. When intense labor started, she was 100% supportive. She knew I was in great pain and did everything she possibly could to manage that pain whether creating counter pressure during terrible contractions for THREE hours or educating me why I was feeling what I was feeling and how to make it better.
She was also training at the time so she did everything she could to allow her full attention on me while training another individual to be just like her, hopefully. She no doubt knew everything that needed to be done without being too invasive or too intrusive during such a personal process. She made me feel heard and I knew that I was in good hands the entire time. She was due to get off at 7 AM that next morning she stayed till 10 AM to make sure that I was OK and to see if we could get the baby here with us. The baby did not come in the time that she was there, only 43 minutes later did the baby come but she did everything in her power to make me feel calm and confident during such a trying time. Josie held my hand, looked into my eyes, and told me that I was strong, powerful, and capable.