Jo Dickinson
December 2020
Emergency Department
Madison Memorial Hospital




I can easily say that Jo was the most experienced and professional nurse that I had during this whole ordeal.
I am from California and was in Island Park to snowmobile for 4 days. At the end of day 1.5, after hitting many tree branches all day long, I hit some ice about a half-mile from our house. My sled spun around and the ski hit the side embankment, throwing me about 15-20 feet onto the frozen paved road. I knew pretty darn quickly that something was broken so my friends loaded me up and brought me to Madison Memorial.
When I got to Madison, my wait was short and Jo was the nurse taking care of me. I had been in pain for about 2.5 hours and when I got to the back and onto a bed, Jo held my arm in a position that relieved all the pain I was experiencing. It was such an excellent break that my body and mind desperately needed. Once we got me comfy and situated, we had to cross the next bridge, my riding gear. Jo asked if I wanted to try to save my clothing or cut it off? It really hurt to move my arm, but I was all about saving my gear!
Jo, and my friend, carefully got my beacon off, then came my Klim jacket. This was a tough extraction, as the jacket is weighted, fitted and not very flexible. With some careful positioning and holding of my elbow, the jacket was off and only two more expensive shirts to go. The good news is, I was wearing two light, stretchy shirts that even Jo was impressed with! They stretched just enough to give me room to get my other arm and head out without moving my broken side. Thanks to Title Nine women's clothing and Orvis for their outstanding products!
With my gear off and my arm resting in a position that allowed me to relax, Jo got the rest of the show going. X-Rays, doctor, checking with surgeon, etc. She was very professional, kind and caring, quick and effective, smart, and funny. I felt like I was in good hands and trusted what was going on for me.
After many appointments and surgery, back in California, I can easily say that Jo was the most experienced and professional nurse that I had during this whole ordeal. Nurses with more years' experience couldn't outshine Jo. Being from out of town, 56 years old, and only a broken nose as hospital experience, I knew I was in good hands even though I hadn't a clue about what was going on or what was about to happen.
I thank Jo and all the people who worked with me that night. The X-ray man was funny and nice, the doctor and his shadow (med student) and the guy signing me out and taking my money, all were awesome!