Joy White
June 2024
Acute Care
Evangelical Community Hospital
United States




Joy kept me calm and with the additional medication, I am doing much better.
Joy is very astute and definitely an advocate for patient care. After paraesophageal hiatal hernia repair on Thursday, things were not going well. By Sunday, things went downhill. I was unable to swallow, threw up phlegm almost twice an hour and was miserable. Joy was on duty Christmas morning. She was in and assessed my situation. After consulting, she administered a calming drug to relax my system, which allowed my organs to operate properly. She knew I was to be on Wellbutrin and Citalopram but could not keep the pills down. She had been my nurse two prior days and really familiarized herself with the situation both physically and mentally. It was not just my situation that worried me, but the fact that I had to have people in to take care of my 7 dachshunds for several days since the original plan was one night. Joy kept me calm and with the additional medication, I am doing much better. That was yesterday. Today, all systems are moving core. Without her care and knowledge, and assessment, I may have been looking at more procedures. Joy is fun and just makes you feel so great. Christmas in a hospital is no fun for anyone, especially patients. Joy brought Joy and healing into my world. Joy is outstanding.