March 2023
Mercy Health - Fairfield Hospital
United States




Julia was very calm, professional, and quick to respond & helped deliver a breech baby safely.
Julia is a PRN nurse for us in the ED. Tonight she came in to work from 7p to 3a. Right after getting report at 7pm, someone yelled “We need help out front” (ED entrance). We grabbed a stretcher as we heard there was a lady in labor still in her car. She was in the passenger seat & someone said: “She’s delivering”. Julia was immediately at the car & noticed the baby was coming out breech. She grabbed the baby to help guide the delivery. She realized the shoulder “was stuck” and was able to guide her hand around the baby’s shoulder to guide one shoulder out & then do the same with the baby’s head. Another PA was beside Julia helping position Mom better & encouraging Mom to push. Julia, with the PA’s coaching of Mom, safely & calmly delivered the baby. While gently holding him, Julia stimulated the baby keeping him as warm as possible from the car. Placenta was delivered. With Julia on a stretcher, stimulating the baby, our ED staff transferred Mom and baby immediately to OB. Julia was very calm, professional, and quick to respond & helped deliver a breech baby safely. She went above & beyond with the delivery. I have been an ED nurse for over 30 years & have seen deliveries in the ED, but this seemed so much more! To have Julia respond the way did with a breech delivery, I was truly amazed!! Thank you to her and our PA!