Julie Gray
September 2021
Labor and Delivery
Crozer Health
United States




I honestly don't think I would have gotten through labor and delivery so easily and with little to no anxiety without Julie by my side.
I gave birth almost two weeks ago and being a first-time mom I was extremely nervous about the labor and delivery process. I shed tears throughout the first few hours of being in the hospital and then the day shift nurse came in to introduce herself, her name was Julie. From that point on I had an overwhelming sense of calmness and security knowing she was my nurse. To say she was attentive, caring, knowledgeable, and compassionate would be an understatement.

When I started having back labor and began to get upset again from being in pain she acted immediately to ensure I was made more comfortable and also comforted me simply by speaking to me in such a kind way. She even came in from her lunch break to check on me when I was having pain from contractions- she truly went above and beyond the "standard of care".

When I began pushing she offered advice on different ways to push and calming yet encouraging words to keep me motivated. She also offered advice on how to get baby to latch and breastfeed but never made me feel pressured to do so. With her help, our sweet boy latched almost immediately after birth.

I truly don't have enough good things to say about Julie. I honestly don't think I would have gotten through labor and delivery so easily and with little to no anxiety without her by my side. She is a true asset to the labor and delivery team and I hope her supervisors and coworkers know what an Extraordinary Nurse and human being they have on their team. Any expectant mother would be more than lucky to her have as their nurse. My husband and I appreciate her more than words can explain and will forever remember the impact she had on us and our birth story. I hope she can be recognized for the impact she had on us. I'm sure we are far from the only people who feel this way about Julie.