Julie Grguras
October 2021
House 111
The Verland Foundation
United States




Julie is caring to all. She goes out of her way for others no matter how busy she is.
When COVID-19 spread at Verland, Julie was the calm in the eye of the storm. She worked in precaution House 111. As the entire world was in a pandemic, Julie kept House 111 on a positive note. Every channel on TV talked about new COVID-19 cases...people on ventilators, hospitals filling up with patients, loved ones separated. But at House 111, thanks to Julie, the environment remained calm, safe, and cheerful, as it always has been. The TV had fun movies on during precaution. Julie brought in movies for the individuals. Julie loves the individuals at Verland as if they were family. She's big-hearted, compassionate, strong, and kind. Julie is caring to all. She goes out of her way for others no matter how busy she is.

Julie will stop what she's doing and help another staff. She always asks if staff need anything. I am thankful Julie works at Verland. We are blessed to have her. Julie is one of the most client-aware RNs I have ever met. She knows the clients' baseline and spots issues quickly. Julie is an excellent advocate for our individuals and takes the time to show staff what she observes and to give serious consideration to staff's questions and concerns about our individuals. Julie's initial thoughts about a client's symptoms are frequently spot on. She has caught serious health concerns for several clients early.