Julie Minion
March 2022
Family Birth Center
Sanford Medical Center Fargo
United States




It is Julie's excellence in this role as charge nurse that keeps the unit running smoothly and allows patients to have a safe, incredible experience as their baby is born.
I have known Julie for the 4.5 years I have worked in the Family Birth Center, but in the past few months, I have worked with her more frequently when she has been charge nurse on my weekend. Julie is a resource of knowledge and has a calm demeanor that makes her a tremendous asset to the patients she takes care of; this same demeanor makes her an excellent charge nurse, particularly in times of high census and high acuity. Julie is thorough and organized, clearly communicating expectations and evolving roles throughout the shift. Julie trusts her nurses fully in their role at the bedside, and in turn, I always know that Julie supports me 110% and that security and support are invaluable. Julie does the hard work behind the scenes that patients are unaware of yet directly impacts the care they receive- managing patient/nurse assignments, coordinating staffing, and watching fetal heart rate tracings. It is Julie's excellence in this role as charge nurse that keeps the unit running smoothly and allows patients to have a safe, incredible experience as their baby is born. Julie holds herself to high standards and that is very evident in the nursing care she provides and in the way she leads as a charge nurse. Julie is an incredibly humble and hard-working role model, and it is a privilege to nominate her for this award, of which she is incredibly deserving.