Kara White
February 2024
Essentia Health - Virginia
United States




Kara was compassionate, knowledgeable, speedy, and comforting.
After my gallbladder removal, I had an extremely challenging time. I could not stop vomiting after being released from day surgery. I was seen in the ER department that following evening. From start to release Kara was exceptional. She was compassionate, knowledgeable, speedy, and comforting. The ER was superb! The whole staff that night was like a well-oiled machine, working together to get the job done. The communication and commitment I witness is something all should be commended for. Kara knew all by name and was able to be extremely professional yet friendly. All seven of these core values were demonstrated. I can give you examples, but it is really something that one should see for themselves. Just amazing. Quality and high standards with making sure I was getting the care and medicine I needed. Hospitality and comfort, blankets, water, asking if I needed anything else. Respect and joy. The way she talked and led the care. Stewardship, justice, and teamwork. Kara was a true leader with experience, no doubt. While controlling my pain, nausea, and vomiting, she was also thinking outside of the box letting me rinse my mouth and bringing me extra blankets and medicine continually to help. Kara even moved rooms when it was so cold in the one. I can’t say enough about Kara’s performance and care.