Karen Chapman
December 2013
Charach Cancer Treatment Center
DMC Huron Valley-Sinai Hospital
Commerce Township
United States




This is what the patient wrote in a letter:

"I'd like to nominate Karen Chapman for the DAISY Award:). After reading the criteria for the Daisy Award I chuckled because not only does Karen meet ALL these bullets, she over exceeds them!!

*My Karen has made a difference in my life ~ Wow make a difference in a life, that's a big order. Karen made a difference in my life as I walked thru the scary, fearful, unknowing door of cancer. Karen met me at that door and took my hand, looked me in the eyes and gave me hope. She made a difference in my life.

*My Karen did an excellent job educating my Family and me ~ Not that I'd sign up for that course again. :) During my chemotherapy appointments, I was accompanied by my husband, Dad, family or friends. I'm pretty sure any of us could give a seminar on Primary hematic lymphoma! Also, I had lots of difficulties with the Nulasta's shot and I would call Karen on the phone when I was feeling terrible and in pain and she would take immediate action to take care of me from afar.

*My Karen always included me and my Family in my care plan ~ Honestly, Karen empowered all of us. Karen included us in everything, step by step. I didn't feel like I was being dragged around as if I didn't know what was going on, I always knew what was next.

*My Karen was caring and spent time with me ~ Hat! Lucky thing there were other people receiving chemotherapy too, otherwise I would have believed, heart and soul that I was Karen's only patient. Karen shared with me about her weekends and her family. Karen was gentle with my spirit. Karen was my cheerleader. Karen hugged me. Karen knew my medical file inside and out. Karen invested into me and I am a thankful woman!

Karen Chapman has earned the DAISY Award over and over again! I am certain that God has a very special place for Karen in heaven!