Karen Graham
June 2022
Grandview Education Department, Women's
Grandview Medical Center
United States




Karen single-handedly saved my nursing relationship with my son when I was more than ready to walk away.
When I had my son (almost) two years ago, Karen visited me in my room before I was discharged. She worked with me and our little one to ensure we were working together to the best of our ability to get our nursing relationship started off on the right foot. Fast forward one week, my milk came in, and our baby struggled to continue nursing. His latch was shallow, he wasn't getting enough milk, and he was angry. I was struggling to say the least! Thankfully, Karen had given me her number, and she was only a call away. When I called her, the only thing she wanted to know was how soon I could get to her. To spare the details, I had a pretty gruesome injury from the shallow latch, and she promised she would get me precious relief. She stayed with me for over an hour that day, and she worked diligently with us to correct our issues. She assured me I was good enough and strong enough to overcome these obstacles. She comforted my baby when he was angry and ready to quit. She worked with my husband and taught him how to help us both. I left our appointment that day and knew I had what it took to give my baby the very best start on this crazy life, and I did! We made it 14 amazing months until he chose to stop.

Lactation consultants are often overlooked on the labor and delivery floor. They may not be there for the deliveries, but they are no less important than the rest of the nurses. Karen single-handedly saved my nursing relationship with my son when I was more than ready to walk away. (And I was NOT a first-time mom. My daughter also nursed for 14 months.) With the formula crisis sweeping across our nation, I can't help but look back on my experience at Grandview, and specifically with Karen. I am so thankful she was there for my family, and I know many others have been grateful for her, as well. Lactation consultants who advocate for and work with families like mine can make a difference in this crisis affecting so many infants and young children in our nation. Grandview is blessed to have a nurse like Karen.