November 2021
Karen I.
IV Infusion
MCHS- Austin
United States




When I was down, Karen would hold my hand or ask if she could do anything for me.
Karen was there for me when I was really down in the dumps. I got a staph infection from an unknown source in late 2020 when COVID was surging. My diagnosis was after my rotator cuff surgery in January when it was discovered I did not tear a tendon but had an infection under my deltoid. I was put on daily infusions for 4 weeks. When I was down, Karen would hold my hand or ask if she could do anything for me. She would put notes in for infectious disease if I had questions and couldn't get answers. She checked out every issue I mentioned. Karen even changed appointment schedules for me so I could attend church services. After the 4 weeks, I had two weeks off and the infection came back. Another 6 weeks. I was devastated. I would cry at the drop of a dime. She again just listened and held my hand sometimes. They are super busy in the infusion department, but all the nurses were great. Karen, I think, does some of the training there and you can tell it. The culture is caring in Infusion at Austin. They treat everyone like family.