Karin Erlebach
November 2018
Birth Center
UW Medicine Valley Medical Center
United States




I was fortunate to have Karin as my nurse for the two long days of my labor and one day postpartum. My birth experience was nothing like I expected. I look back on the experience with pride and can honestly say I don't know if that would be true without her. Karin brought fun into the room when I was getting discouraged, drawing the "Wonder Woman" symbol on my water pitcher.
Karin encouraged all sorts of techniques to get me through each contraction. She let me cry with her when it seemed like no progress was being made and showed compassion and hope, framing my experience in positive ways. She gave me the mother of all pep talks before I started pushing and coached me energetically through it, helping me find strength I didn't know I had.
Both my husband and looked forward to seeing her each day; we made sure to request her after day 1.
I hope that other nurses get the chance to see and emulate her incredible nursing skills.