Karin Welsch
July 2024
Labor and Delivery
Advocate Good Shepherd Hospital
United States




Karin stayed right by my bedside the entire time and calmly instructed the other nurses on what she needed to keep me safe. Karin was my voice and advocated for me.
Karin Walsh single-handedly turned my labor and delivery experience into one I am proud to share. My birth plan from the beginning of my pregnancy was to labor and deliver my child as naturally as possible. To prepare for this, I listened to hours of podcasts and read multiple hypnobirthing experiences. Towards the end of my pregnancy, complication after complication started to occur, which led to an early induction for the baby's safety. My nerves and anxiety were extremely apparent as I arrived on the unit in tears. I felt defeated and scared for what was to come. Karin's calm and uplifting demeanor made all the difference. She was confident in her abilities, and that was exactly what I needed. She was someone who could help guide me through the unknown, as my current reality was much different than everything I had envisioned and planned for. After my bundle of joy arrived, my complications continued to occur as I started to hemorrhage. Karin stayed right by my bedside the entire time and calmly instructed the other nurses on what she needed to keep me safe. Karin was my voice and advocated for me. As someone who hates needles and blood, my birth experience should have been a scarring experience, yet I look back with such joy. Joy because I met my little girl for the first time, and I felt safe and cared for throughout the bumps and obstacles we experienced along the way. I attribute all of this to Karin. I guarantee that all of her patients feel the same way I do-heard, cared for, and empowered.