July 2017
Women's Center L&D
Timpanogos Regional Hospital
United States




My wife had placenta accrete on her last pregnancy. Going into it, we were all very nervous including her as we were told by doctors of all the possibilities with some blood loss and other possible complications leading to even possible death. She was especially nervous when we found out it would be a general anesthesia in the main OR and me, her husband, would not be allowed to be with her. She describes to me now, over and over, how kind Karly was to her and how comforting it was that she stayed right by her side and held her hand through putting her ART line in and all the way till she fell asleep. As her husband, it made me grin ear to ear and made me feel so good inside to know that they took such good care of her and that Karly was there holding her hand and comforting her while she was so scared. I truly feel indebted to her for the kindness and love that she showed to me and my family. It is also very contagious and makes us want to be just a little kinder to people, even strangers, like Karly was to us!