Karni Dickinson
September 2024
23rd Floor Brain Innovation Center
Shirley Ryan AbilityLab
United States




Her comforting voice, persistent smile, and efficient care allowed (the patient) to focus on recovery and returning to the lifestyle she enjoyed before her medical event.
This nurse holds a special place in my heart. She shows that she cares and will go above and beyond to make sure that your stay here will be top notch. Even when many people couldn't find it, somehow she made it happen. She never has a bad mood; she is always smiling, and I would love to thank her for caring for me and checking on me while I was here. I will miss you; you are the best Karni!


Karni was one of the first nurses we encountered upon our arrival at SRA Lab. She made our transition a smooth and comfortable process; she truly is a professional with attention to detail. The routine activities and care were made special with the touches she provided. When I asked what (the patient’s) medications were, Karni printed a colorful matrix showing the medication name, dosage, and time. When our young grandkids visited, she engaged with them in conversations and even explained the purpose of the various devices. She also found time to give me a tour of the floor and pointed out the various features that were available to me. Karni also shared her memories of growing up in Nebraska, as we shared ours in Chicago. As (the patient) had issues answering questions, Karni introduced a card with a yes/no function that offered an alternative way to respond. Karni would also stop by even when (the patient) was not her assigned patient. Her comforting voice, persistent smile, and efficient care allowed (the patient) to focus on recovery and returning to the lifestyle she enjoyed before her medical event. She and I appreciate all the hard work and kindness provided by Karni. We have been blessed for the community and enjoy your spirit. We nominate Karni for special recognition for her outstanding effort.


She is patient and kind; she spent time explaining my type of stroke and the medications. She is comforting, and I am grateful that she was assigned to me. Thank you, Karni, for giving me such tender, loving care when I was so scared. I will never forget you.