Kate Glynn
May 2024
Inova Fairfax Hospital
Falls Church
United States




Thank you, Kate, for going above and beyond, not because you had to, but because you wanted to!
I would like to nominate Kate, who continues to place patients' holistic experiences at the forefront of her work. Kate Glynn constantly looks for ways to give patients hope while they are in the ICU. She was the primary nurse for a transplant patient who had been hospitalized since early fall. Later, when the patient had battled and survived against all odds past transplant, they needed something to look forward to. Kate arranged to take the patient outside to the healing garden. This was the first time in over 4 months that the patient was able to feel the sunlight.

Kate played one of his favorite songs, "Here Comes the Sun," and the patient began to cry. This touched both the patient and his family so deeply that they began to have hope again. This gave him a reason to continue to fight. Kate's act of kindness was infectious. It motivates the whole team and reminds us why we joined this profession. This patient had more bad days than good but it was times like this that left a lasting impression. Thank you, Kate, for going above and beyond, not because you had to, but because you wanted to! It meant so much to the patient and their family and reminds us how much an act of kindness impacts those around you.