Katharine Bush
May 2022
Emergency Department
Trinity Health of New England, Saint Mary's Hospital
United States




​​​​​​​Katie is one of those people that cares for her coworkers as well as our patients.
It is hard to think of one specific time that Katie has gone above and beyond to make a difference because she does it so consistently. I do remember one time that I had a young woman who was in a car accident late at night and had multiple injuries. I was having trouble getting an IV due to one of her arms being broken and the other arm having poor access. This was during the height of a surge of covid over this past Winter. The whole ED seemed like it was a chaotic mess and we were all just doing our best to keep our heads above water and take care of everybody.

I was stressed and I needed help and Katie was the charge nurse. She noticed that I was drowning and that I needed help with this patient, and came without me asking. She expertly got the IV and helped me refocus on what we needed to do at that moment all the while comforting the patient who was panicking. For those few minutes when we got the woman set up and cleaned and ready to go for her tests I just really admired how Katie was able to block out the chaos and calm down both me and the patient.


Katie is one of those people that cares for her coworkers as well as our patients. Wherever she is people are laughing with her. She's the type of person that is able to completely make a difference for people on their worst day when they come to us in the emergency room and she is an example for all of us to follow. She helps to create community among the staff and keeps us having fun even in the darkest times of the pandemic. She does all this while also taking care of her family and working the night shift without ever looking for recognition for herself.