Kat Ferrante
March 2020
Seidman 5 Surgical Oncology
UH Seidman Cancer Center
United States




Kat performed her duties as a nurse way beyond her call. She recognized the subtle signs that D was struggling with serious issues. It was not only the clinical data that she noticed. Kat was perceptive and realized changes in his behavior. She called the doctor twice one morning. On the second visit made by the doctor, the directive was given to perform the nephrostomy procedure immediately. Upon completion of the neph tube set up, D's vitals improved very quickly. D was no longer treading towards sepsis but came into normal ranges. A bullet was dodged! Kat worked long hours, several days in a row, staying late especially on Friday after the cystogram and the CT Urography. We are grateful for her skill and insight. Thank you, Kat!