Katherine Friesz
January 2023
Mount Carmel New Albany
New Albany
United States




Katie was definitely emotionally taxed managing this patient, but she just stayed the course and stood by her patient, smiling, and advocating.
Katherine, whom we call Katie, typically demonstrates MCHS core values in her daily work. However, recently we saw her truly shine. I get goosebumps writing this.

Katie had a very challenging patient on this day in her PACU bay. This patient had a long history of pain medication needs at home prior to surgery, making her pain management postop nearly impossible. This patient cried, moaned, complained, and required bedside nursing presence for the entire 7.5 hours she was in our recovery room. During this time, Katie remained calm, kind, and responsive. She collaborated with anesthesia, the hospitalist, and our pharmacy team to work toward a treatment plan that would help her patient. The patient was ordered much higher doses of benzodiazepines and opiate medications than normal, and Katie consulted with the physicians and pharmacy to assure safety and policy was followed. Katie also advocated strongly for her patient’s family to be permitted to come to her bedside to assist in emotional support. The other nurses in PACU vocalized their own frustration with listening to this patient for so long, and Katie was definitely emotionally taxed managing this patient, but she just stayed the course and stood by her patient, smiling, and advocating. PACU nursing is so much more than pain meds and moving the patient through. It is an art form and Katie delivers with gentle perfection. If I ever need nursing care, I want Katie to be my nurse.