Katherine M. Balten
December 2023
Katherine M.
Family Center Maternity Care
Henry Ford Hospital
United States




Kate visited often, and when the time was right and the patient was more alert, she shared stories about the journey she and the baby had and celebrated the beauty of birth and the experience of bonding for both mom and baby. 
Growing in one’s role while showcasing the elements of eagerness, intelligence, and caring are signs of a great leader. Kate Balten was hired into the role of CNS in 2019 and has grown tremendously as a critical member of the Maternal Child Health team. Her presence on the units brings not only the warmth of kindness and many, many laughs, yet also the skill and knowledge of a clinician dedicated to impacting maternal and infant morbidity and mortality through staff education, policy development, project management, collaboration, and multidisciplinary care plan development for high-risk obstetric patient.

One example of Kate’s dedication is the care she provided to a pregnant patient diagnosed with COVID. Sadly, COVID has led to significant increases in poor outcomes for pregnant/postpartum women due to the physiologic changes during pregnancy, which increased risk factors for disease processes. One of our patients was diagnosed with COVID which led to her rapid decline and subsequent need for an emergency cesarean section. The timing of which prevented the arrival of her family due to the urgent nature to proceed. Kate was part of the team in the OR, and while wiping away the mom’s tears, she provided support, encouragement, and reassurance while the clinical team quickly prepped her for surgery. Kate stayed by her side, holding her hand while she drifted off to sleep. 

After the cesarean section, the mom was admitted to the ICU, and the baby was transferred to the Neonatal ICU (NICU). To help maintain bonding for both mom and baby, Kate collaborated with the NICU to facilitate FaceTime interaction even though the mom was intubated and unconscious. The goal was for the mom the hear her baby, and the description of the baby’s behavior, even though they could not be physically present at the time. Kate also brought baby blankets for the adult ICU team to place on the mom, and then took the blankets to the NICU to place near the baby, so the baby could have the scent of her mom near, which often aids in comforting babies when they are separated from their mothers. During this time, the father of the baby was also diagnosed with COVID and could not visit. So, Kate, helped facilitate the “Maternal Designee Process” for another family member of the baby to visit and make decisions. She also communicated regularly with the father on the progress of mom and baby. Due to a multitude of complications, the mom was intubated and hospitalized for an extended period of time. During this time, Kate visited often, and when the time was right and the patient was more alert, she shared stories about the journey she and the baby had and celebrated the beauty of birth and the experience of bonding for both mom and baby. 

Kate is a phenomenal leader! She is thoughtful, caring, and faces challenges with clinical expertise, and the joy of positively impacting the lives of mom, babies, and families. Kate Balten is truly a DAISY Nurse Leader!