Kathleen Hall
October 2021
South Austin Surgery Center
HCA Ambulatory Surgery Division
United States




Kathleen got my daughter’s number from me, talked to her some, then called her doctor and back and forth between my daughter and me again.
Nurses are certainly caring and nurturing but our entire experience with Kathleen has just been different. My daughter is 19 years old - technically an adult but still my baby. Because of COVID she had to go back to her surgery alone. She is a kid who had to go through the IV, talking to doctors, the cold lonely room, and signing papers alone. Kathleen was her nurse that day. I did not talk to Kathleen prior to my daughter going back yet she apparently was so kind to P that I received a text from P saying how much she liked her nurse and that she's not sitting alone in a quiet room. That text took the weight off my shoulders as I waited in the waiting room.

After surgery, I sat with Kathleen when she came out to let me know that the surgery was done and P was in recovery. Kathleen was nothing but kind but that is a common experience with nurses. The above and beyond is what occurred after surgery. I have had nurses call the next day from the hospital to check in but Kathleen texted from her personal number to check in on her - a few times Friday (day of surgery) on Saturday and then on Sunday to ensure we made it through the weekend ok. Typically we get a phone call the next day asking how it's going and to just call if we need anything. Kathleen texted us proactively.

Fast forward 1 week post-surgery and I needed to drop P off at college 6 hours away with a foot full of stitches. She is my oldest and this is her first year in college. As if sending your oldest off isn't emotional enough, I was so worried about her healing. All I could do was hope everything was ok. Well, a week after dropping her off on a Saturday night when no one is at work, P calls me in a panic about a bump and oozing out of the stitches. I had no idea what to do or who to call on a weekend night. I had Kathleen’s text but it was a Saturday night. I was desperate so I texted her. She told me that I was not a bother and how much she wanted to help. She got my daughter’s number from me, talked to her some, then called her doctor and back and forth between my daughter and me again. When P knew what to do to take care of her foot she was calm.

Kathleen then texted both P and me on Sunday morning to check in again. As a mom who cannot get to her upset and scared daughter, her kindness meant the world to me. I really wish I could better show her my appreciation than the "thank you" I repeatedly said. At any time throughout this process, she could have very easily just given us an after-hours number to call. Not once did she expect us to do that. P was comfortable with her and trusted her; therefore her continued care allowed for P to relax. As a helpless mom, I could not be more grateful. She is an asset to the surgery center and very deserving of recognition!