Kathleen Caliendo
May 2021
Palos Hospital




Kathy had a way of lightening the burden.
At a most fragile time of my mom's life and mine, an angel arrived, Nurse Kathleen Caliendo (Kathy). I was concerned about bringing somebody into the house, both due to COVID issues and more importantly, how the fit would be for mom and me. I needn't have worried. Kathy was totally on top of COVID safety measures and mom took to Kathy right away, as I did. It was obvious, not only that she was extremely capable, but that she was sincere and caring.
Kathy met us exactly where we were. How comforting. She knew what we needed and made us feel supported and understood. Her gentle manner and loving-kindness made her visits a blessing to us.
As mom's condition deteriorated, Kathy was there to help us and support us in any way that she or any of the staff possibly could. Her vast experience was so valuable and appreciated. I loved that she would always ask us if we needed anything. I knew she was there for us 100%.
Although these past four months have been fraught with sadness, stress, and suffering, Kathy had a way of lightening the burden. When she would arrive I immediately felt companioned and my spirits lifted. Mom was always the better for Kathy's visits too.
I am so thankful for Kathy and for Hospice. You are all doing the work of angels.