Kathryn Breitbarth
August 2023
Corporal Michael J Crescenz VA Medical Center
United States




With Kathryn's diligence and work ethic, she was able to make suggestions on my health that sped up the healing process that most providers overlook
Kathryn did her best to assist in bringing me to the point that I am now. Without her hard work and dedication to me and my health goals, I wouldn't be able to write this at this time. I am a type one diabetic with IBS and gastroparesis. These conditions combined are very hard to deal with physically. Usually, it takes days or weeks to get me to this point once being admitted to the hospital. When I first arrived, like most times, I was unable to focus or concentrate on anything or anyone. With Kathryn's diligence and work ethic, she was able to make suggestions on my health that sped up the healing process that most providers overlook. This is especially important to me because I have my children at home expecting me to be the hero that I always am to them. Thank you so much!