April 2022
Pediatric ICU
Morgan Stanley Children's Hospital
New York
United States




I know for a fact that had we not had Kat that day, S may not have made it through.
Kat is a phenomenal nurse, but she is beyond those words. Kat is the type of nurse that never leaves the patient's side. From the start of her shift until generally well after she has given report, she is with her patient. Even when she leaves the hospital, her mind is still with her patient; thinking of ways she can help, or what more she can do. I know this because Kat approached me at random moments when she was not caring for my daughter, but was thinking of things we could do to help her lungs, or her GI motility. She would tell me about articles she read, or research she had done the night before while thinking of S. There is no one instance that I can think of that demonstrates her qualities as a nurse, there are several. Kat took care of S. on several occasions, most of which was when S. was critical. Knowing that Kat had S. on those particularly rough days was always a comfort because I knew that Kat was going to do everything in her power and then some to ensure that S. was ok. One particular day I remember S. was doing relatively well and Kat was going to be our nurse for the day. I remember thinking how great it was that Kat could enjoy the day with S. instead of running herself ragged; advocating for her, doing copious chest pt, making sure the pharmacy had meds ready, etc. The day was going well, but by mid-day, something seemed off with S. and both Kat and I knew it. Kat immediately called the team over and we spoke. They ran labs and within 24 hours, S. had a really severe care of Pseudomonas and became septic. So much for the easy, fun day I thought we would have. For several days, Kat stood by my side advocating for S. Her urine output dropped, Kat immediately got a team of nurses to straight cath S., which was difficult and after two failed attempts, Kat called Urology into the room and had her cathed within moments. Kat did not leave the room unless she absolutely had to. Kat is a phenomenal nurse, but she is beyond those words. Kat is the type of nurse that never leaves the patient's side. From the start of her shift until generally well after she has given report, she is with her patient. Even when she leaves the hospital, her mind is still with her patient; thinking of ways she can help, or what more she can do. I know this because Kat approached me at random moments when she was not caring for my daughter, but was thinking of things we could do to help her lungs, or her GI motility. She would tell me about articles she read, or research she had done the night before while thinking of S. There is no one instance that I can think of that demonstrates her qualities as a nurse, there are several. Kat took care of S. on several occasions, most of which was when S. was critical. Knowing that Kat had S. on those particularly rough days was always a comfort because I knew that Kat was going to do everything in her power and then come to ensure that S. was ok. One particular day I remember S. was doing relatively well and Kat was going to be our nurse for the day. I remember thinking how great it was that Kat could enjoy the day with S. instead of running herself ragged; advocating for her, doing copious chest pt, making sure the pharmacy had meds ready, etc. The day was going well, but by mid-day, something seemed off with S. and both Kat and I knew it. Kat immediately called the team over and we spoke. They ran labs and within 24 hours, S. had a really severe care of Pseudomonas and became septic. So much for the easy, fun day I thought we would have. For several days, Kat stood by my side advocating for S. Her urine output dropped, Kat immediately got a team of nurses to straight cath S., which was difficult and after two failed attempts, Kat called Urology into the room and had her cathed within moments. Kat did not leave the room unless she absolutely had to. I know for a fact that had we not had Kat that day, S. may not have made it through. Kat is more than a dedicated nurse, she is a dedicated friend that has become part of our family.. Kat is more than a dedicated nurse, she is a dedicated friend that has become part of our family.

Note: This is Kat's 2nd DAISY Award!