May 2021
Gardner-Webb University, Hunt School of Nursing




It is my pleasure to nominate Dr. Kathy Williams of the Hunt School of Nursing at Gardner Webb University for this distinguished award. She has served as my project chair for my DNP project for the last year. During this time, it is clear to me that she is doing a job that "grows the future" of nursing. She is my role model and my biggest supporter. She tells me all the time "we are in this together and we will get through this together". She exists in a world where I depend on her leadership and authenticity to teach me and lead me when I wander or become frustrated by deadlines and inaccuracies.

We have worked together through setbacks and changing topics. She has been very enthusiastic and patient during stressful times when I couldn't see the way. I have leaned on her wisdom and kindness during some of the darkest times over the last year and have never once felt alone in our educational journey even during the current pandemic. Her words are always uplifting and precisely on time. We speak frequently and often of the project but we also "check-in" about life's pressures and successes.

I chose to return to Gardner Webb University for my 3rd degree in nursing because of the wonderful experiences that I have had during each degree completion. I have been extremely happy and excited to be taught by some of the most influential and authentic professors such as Dr. Williams. They are mentors and supporters of all students but with that being said, Dr. Williams has made me feel that I am her one and only student during a time where she is responsible for so many students, classes, and major papers/projects. It is easy to talk about the sincerity of mentors and leaders but to feel their impact is greater than any words spoken. I could not let this opportunity pass by without taking the opportunity to share God's blessing to me and that is Dr. Kathy Williams. It is my responsibility to nominate her for her unending caring, confidence, patience, integrity, and flexibility in my life and educational journey to my DNP. God always has a plan and I truly have felt His hands over our relationship. I am truly blessed to know, learn from, and be taught by Dr. Williams.