Katie Campbell
July 2021
Ward 23 gynaecology
University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust
United Kingdom




Katie always has the best interests of the patients at the heart of her care.
Currently, I am a resident on this ward instead of working for the NHS after emergency surgery. One of many kind and compassionate nurses on this exceptional ward is Katie. Katie stood out from the very first moment. She spent time with everyone here and I really felt she went the extra mile to get to know us. She remembered the names of the people important to me and asked after my grandson who was also in the hospital every day. Katie often asked if a student could watch with her during consultations or treatment and this nurturing of our new generation of nurses is so important. She is funny and approachable and after 35 years in this job, it was a pleasure to see how confident others were to approach her with questions knowing she would take the time to answer them, and this was the same for patients and staff.

Katie always has the best interests of the patients at the heart of her care and was very assertive when one of the consultants arrived in my bay with 9 doctors and students in tow during the second lockdown of the Covid pandemic; she insisted some left and waited outside to reduce the risk to me of exposure to an excessive number of people. Katie always goes the extra mile for everyone and does it with such speed that any request or query has soon been answered or resolved. I have never known her to forget anything or need to be asked twice and on a very busy ward; this is some achievement. Most importantly, however, as a patient now I smile and feel safe just knowing she is going to be looking after me. I think you have found your exceptional nurse. Thank you, Katie, I will remember you.