Katie Gregg
March 2024
Kona Community Hospital
United States




I got some bad news, and Katie was there for me with compassion.
When I woke up in the morning, I had Katie, and she had a travel nurse, S, with her. Well, Katie was great. The food was wrong, and she made sure it got changed. Katie also made me comfortable and made sure things were cleaned up. The doctor came in and said I may have cancer in my liver and needed an MRI. I got some bad news, and Katie was there for me with compassion. Awesome person. She also told me that the MRI would tell me more and that I needed to do one step at a time. She knew I couldn't eat my food, and Katie got me to rest. When she came back to ask questions about the MRI, she also got me to remember back in 2001 when I had surgery. I remembered they saw a cyst on my liver then. Well, she made me realize this is not cancer; when Dr. S came back in the room, Katie joined him and Sara and said, "Good News, no cancer." I got hugs from everyone. The doctor and Katie were happy for me. Katie also gave me food since my lunch was cold when I got back from the MRI. She made sure I had new hot food. Then Doc said I could go home; right away, Katie said, "She needs antibiotics and meds to go home with." She was a great nurse, and she was making sure I got everything I needed to go home. She also got S to come in and explain the meds I was going home with. She is Awesome!