Katie Murphy
December 2019
Mercy Hospital of Buffalo
United States




Thank you doesn't seem enough to express our gratitude and sincere appreciation for what you did to help Gramma. After she passed, we were all in the room and I looked up and said to my family, "Katie gave Gramma the best last day of her life" and my whole family agreed. We will never forget how you took control of her care the moment you walked into her room that morning. You sought out the help you needed from the team members who could help you accomplish what you were trying to do. You were a support not only for my gramms but for me and my family. You watched us cry, listened to us vent and helped us get through time toughest day of our life. Your knowledge and expertise, as well as your compassion, are truly remarkable and I feel like you were an angel there that day to help Gramma and us. My gramma was so comfortable that day and I know it was all because of you. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for everything.