April 2022
Critical Care
Northside Hospital Duluth
United States




Katie draws amazing cartoons with positive reflections on every unit. She updates them with seasonal captions and draws new characters and pictures every month.
When COVID hit our hospital in March of 2020, Katie made it her mission to show continuous acts of kindness. She, with very little help, decided to launch and execute treats for all nursing units. She collected, purchased, packaged, and delivered items to the units at different times and left positive affirmations for staff to read. Katie decorated windows in the cafeteria where all hospital staff could read, enjoy and reflect on what we were experiencing. This gave everyone a feeling of oneness. We were all a part of the same team. She then wrote positive affirmations on concrete walls and sidewalks throughout the parking deck to lift associates' spirits. She kept this going for many months during the first wave. She made and sold decorative masks to offset the costs of the treats.

Katie then transferred in to a new role as a MRT nurse. In this role she positioned herself as a liaison for each and every area. She has provided support for those in need and is frequently praised for her positive ongoing efforts. Katie then started a new positive affirmation. Each area of the hospital has a large board. Katie draws amazing cartoons with positive reflections on every unit. She updates them with seasonal captions and draws new characters and pictures every month. This is such a positive thing for the associates. She actually gets calls requesting drawings.

Katie leads by example and works through others to enhance the care and compassion that her fellow nurses are able to give to their patients. One patient that Katie touched personally before leaving the ED was a lady who was transferred via EMS from a local grocery store. Katie was her nurse and was able to connect in a way that really provided comfort. As with most ED patients they are not planning or expecting to have their day interrupted by a visit to the ED much less an admission to the hospital. This patient was extremely anxious as her car was still in the grocery store parking lot and she was afraid that it would be towed and she wasn’t sure that it was locked. Katie took it upon herself to call the store manager and ask the question about it being parked there. She called back to ask him if he could go and make sure that the car was locked. This removed the anxiety from her patient and she was able to relax and receive the care that she needed.

This is not a single patient act of kindness. What Katie has done is take on a massive job as our kindness ambassador. Her inspirational giving is influencing associates to maintain a positive attitude which is clearly reflected in the care that is provided to our patients. She continually serves as a role model. This kindness has influenced others to act for their fellow associates. She reaches far more souls through her massive efforts. She is gracious and kind, I know that she has a throne waiting for her in heaven.