Katie Wells
May 2023
Forensic Medical Unit
Adventist HealthCare Shady Grove Medical Center
United States




I am grateful to work beside her, and thankful patients in our community have someone like her to help them during their times of need
I am nominating Katie Wells, the Assistant Nurse Manager of the Forensic Medical Unit, for the DAISY Leader Award. There are so many examples of how Katie cares for her patients and colleagues with compassion and care. There are several examples that have not only impacted individual patients but affected change on a larger scale.

When HIV prophylaxis (preventative medication) became available through a state program free of charge for patients who have been sexually assaulted, Katie embraced developing a process to ensure patients here have a clear and easy way to access these important medications. In fact, Katie was asked to present at the state level about this process, so that others can model it and assist patients in their own communities. Katie continues her work on a daily basis for individuals by submitting for these vital medications and ensuring they are delivered to every single patient the Forensic Medical Unit prescribes them for. Without her work on this, each patient would be at risk of having to pay up to $3,000 for their prescription, or worse, go without.

Katie's impact goes far beyond ensuring patients have access the HIV prophylaxis. She jumps in to provide patient care at any time it is needed, she set up an Uber account that allows us to safely provide transportation for patients who would otherwise have difficulty accessing care, she ensures in-person interpreters are scheduled for patients who need them, she has gotten car seats for patient's children so that appointments can be attended, and has even escorted patients to the domestic violence shelter to make sure they arrived there safely.

Between patients and her colleagues, Katie always seems to find a way to surpass expectations in her service to others. I believe Katie is well deserving of the DAISY Leader Award. I am grateful to work beside her, and thankful patients in our community have someone like her to help them during their times of need.