Katie Winemiller
June 2022
Pulmonary and Sleep Medicine
Wellspan York Hospital
United States




Katie provided him with the crisis hotline number and then asked permission to access his chart so she could send his primary care provider a note about what was occurring and see if his upcoming office visit could be expedited.
Katie goes the extra mile in just about every aspect that she can. She told me this story, and I was so impressed by her diligence in the provision of care.​ ​There was a patient on our unit who Katie was doing a history and physical with, and she asked the patient routine questions regarding suicidal thoughts. The patient became tearful, which prompted Katie to ask what was going on at home. The patient denied that she was suicidal but admitted that her spouse was going through a difficult time and was having thoughts. Katie called the spouse while in the room and asked how he was doing. She said that he was very forthcoming with what was going on in his personal life, and she asked him if he was safe that day? He stated that today was a good day and that he was doing okay. She provided him with the crisis hotline number and then asked permission to access his chart so she could send his primary care provider a note about what was occurring and see if his upcoming office visit could be expedited.​ ​Most people would acknowledge the hardship the patient is going through, but very few would take steps to ensure their loved one is safe. When Katie told me this story, I told her how amazing she is, to which she replied, “come on– I mean, I can’t just let that go.”​