Kayla Wheeler
January 2021
Float Pool
Wentworth-Douglass Hospital




Kayla is very patient and thorough in not just demonstrating steps and processes, but impressively thorough in explaining the reasoning on behalf of a patient's care.
Kayla has been my nurse since I was admitted late yesterday for unplanned surgery for a blockage. She also has been a trainer/mentor for a new recently graduated nurse, B. In showing B the ropes, she is very patient and thorough in not just demonstrating steps and processes, but impressively thorough in explaining the reasoning on behalf of a patient's care as far as what, where, how, and why of a particular method of performing a task.
Not only is Kayla doing a great job of teaching tasks and methods, but she also is employing, embracing, and espousing the priceless tenets of the Hippocratic Oath. If she ever tires of nursing, she will be an exemplary asset to a training department.