Kayleigh Seitz
February 2020
Nursing Administration
A.O. Fox Memorial Hospital
United States




As the healthcare landscape becomes more and more complicated, including the increasing demands on the nurse leaders, I believe those leaders who are able to create an environment of compassion, mutual respect, continuing education and recognition for others strongly deserve to be recognized. Kayleigh is a model of nursing leadership. Despite working under tremendous pressure, through her leadership, she is able to provide an environment of safety for the staff and our patients. She also fosters an environment that promotes positivity, learning, and respect where professional nurses are inspired to work at the top of their scope and provide the very best care and outcomes for our patients. Kayleigh is a role model and leader in a setting where compassion is valued, and staff, in turn, treat patients and their families with deep humanity.
I have worked with Kayleigh throughout her employment here at Fox and have witnessed first hand the impact she has on the staff and the patient care she manages. Kayleigh's caring behavior was instrumental in a discussion with an ill elderly Veteran who required medical care and perhaps a transfer to the Veterans' hospital. This patient is competent to make his own decisions and was requesting to leave from the emergency department AMA. Kayleigh's persistent compassion was very helpful in convincing him to be admitted. As it turned out he was later discovered to have a large popliteal artery aneurysm that required transportation to a higher level of care. The outcome may have been grave for this patient had Kayleigh not been able to convince him to receive medical care. Kayleigh is a DAISY Nurse Leader for her compassion, skills, and leadership. I believe she understands the value of praising the impact that staff has patients and their families, motivating staff to achieve better outcomes personally and professionally and enhance the image of nursing within A.O. Fox Hospital.
Kayleigh helps assist all of us nurses with just about everything we need to make our patients cared for and comfortable. She is sometimes the first face the patient sees on the units as she is generally the one to transport them from the ED. As a supervisor, she helps strip discharged rooms, toilets patients, administers medications and initiates new IVs when needed. She is extremely helpful on the units and is constantly doing rounds all over the hospital to ensure patients and staff are taken care of. Kayleigh completes every shift with a smile no matter how bad the shift may be. She helps all of her staff with patient care no matter what the care entails. She has everyone's best interest in mind, patients and staff. She is a shining example of true leadership and genuinely cares about her staff and patients.