November 2017
Home Health
Baptist Health Madisonville
United States




Keila recognized that a patient desperately needed to be seen by the doctor that day. The patient had no money to pay for transportation. Dr. R was out of town but Dr. F agreed to see the patient that day at 1:00. We were able to arrange PACS transportation from Princeton, but because we were not able to give a 72-hour notice, it would have to be paid for as private transportation before they would take the patient. Keila withdrew $85.00 from her personal checking account and went and paid the bill so the patient could get to the doctor. The patient was admitted to the hospital. PACS will reimburse Keila for half the money since there was no transportation home after the doctor's appointment. The home care staff raised enough money to repay Keila, even though she did not want to be reimbursed. I am so thankful that I work with such an awesome home care team that truly are the hands and feet of Christ!