Keisha Sandamatundu
August 2020
Telemetry Unit
Hackensack Meridian Health - Bayshore Medical Center
United States




Keisha is a true DAISY Nurse because she has not only showed professional growth in 4Tele by taking on the Faculty Preceptorship cohorts, she has also risen to the occasion when other units needed help. 3E has a fairly new team and many team members do not have a lot of tenure and experience. They really needed someone strong and a tenured tele resource to be able to orient new team members. Keisha stepped up and worked in 3East for many weeks orienting their new team members. She also took over a Faculty preceptor cohort 2 weeks into the new cohort and was very flexible and adaptable to the needs of the new orientees and the hospital. Time and time again she has shown flexibility, resourcefulness, and true leadership to help not only 4Tele but the entire hospital.