Kelley Moon
April 2022
Maternal Child
Mercy Hospital Iowa City
Iowa City
United States




I cried and laughed with her and genuinely felt she cared about me and my recovery.
I spent eight days in the hospital on the OBGYN unit. I was critically ill, and all the nursing (as well as respiratory, dietary and housekeeping) staff were wonderful to me in my most vulnerable state. But Kelley went above and beyond for me! I truly believe I may not have made it if weren't for her care, concern and compassion. She spent so much time with me, holding my hand, encouraging me to walk when I didn't think I could, talking to me like a human being, and even washed and brushed my hair so very gently. I cried and laughed with her and genuinely felt she cared about me and my recovery. As I told her, she is an angel and the very best nurse I have ever met. I am doing better each day, and I attribute a lot of that to Kelley because she encouraged me not to give up at a time when I needed to hear it most. She is a blessing and a wonderful asset to Mercy Iowa City. Thank you.